A program to help busy professional and self-employed men get back to thriving in their lives.

Ove​r six months, you will go through powerful personal growth and tra​nsformation.

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Photo Tim Arnold

The Man Program has been designed to help men ​like you thrive in life. Over the course of six months ​you will develop the habits and character traits ​needed to be the MAN you were born to be.

This is just the beginning of the most powerful era of ​your life. This is the environment where you figure ​out how you can live your life to it’s potential.

Over six months, discover and unlock your potential with expert guidance, helping you take ​responsibility for being the decisive, mature, powerful, purposeful man you were always meant to be.

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what is the man program?

The Man Program has been created to empower men like you to thrive and become The Man you were born ​to be..

This takes place through a unique six-month journey which has been designed to give men like you the ​opportunity to tap into the wisdom, permission, power and courage within, to change your life for the ​better. This program’s format combines weekly live online meetings and workshops and an in-person ​retreat and adventure challenge all supported within a private group.

Outside of this six-month program, we also organise regular community hikes, workshops and men’s in-​person events.

In The Man Program we promise 3 main things:

Personal Growth — Our core focus is your growth. You will go on a journey of self-mastery, and emotional ​healing where you will be seen, heard and supported in a non-judgemental space. You will get the ​opportunity to connect to your own powerful inner resolve and the emotional intelligence and courage to ​confidently navigate towards your aspirations and welcome life with its uncertainties and challenges.

Authentic Relationship Building — Over the next six months, you'll identify and address the blind spots in ​your thinking and behaviors that limit your potential. Through regular group interactions, you'll gain ​confidence in sharing honestly and openly, and practice listening to understand someone’s story without ​giving advice. This will help you remain present, even in discomfort, and enhance deeper empathy and ​awareness. You'll learn to acknowledge and validate both your experiences and others’. As a result, all your ​relationships will thrive. Through this journey and the theoretical work we do, you'll learn to navigate difficult ​conversations more confidently and build a strong support network. This network will allow you to show up ​fully, courageously, and authentically—without judgment—which is profoundly healing and empowering. ​This is where your confidence in how you carry yourself in every day life is created.

Leadership and Purpose — The fastest way to transform your life is to figure out who you are underneath the ​roles you play. By stripping yourself back to your authentic self, you can lead your life with integrity, come ​what may. Leading your life authentically you naturally take decisive action every day, demonstrating that ​you are a man who feels, knows and acts consistently in a way that is aligned with his values and focused.

✅ A man who has done personal development work, worked with a therapist, and attended courses and ​training. He’s energized and ready to join a group of ambitious men to reach the next level of his potential in ​every aspect of life. He knows his best is yet to come.

So... Who Is This For?

✅ Men who are ready to figure out what’s next. Men who are at a crossroads, and need a powerful vision ​that makes them feel alive again, and to be able to move past that internal voice that doubts them, holds ​them back or causes them to second guess themselves.

✅ An ambitious leader or businessman ready to make a significant career change and seeking support for ​the transition. He’s committed to creating a fulfilling path ahead and unlocking new levels of success.

✅ A man whose relationship has broken down. He’s looking for guidance through the grieving and healing ​process and wants to learn from his past to avoid repeating the same mistakes. He’s determined to heal, ​grow, and build a more loving future.

✅ A man who has done personal development work, worked with a therapist, and attended courses and ​training. He’s energized and ready to join a group of ambitious men to reach the next level of his potential in ​every aspect of life. He knows his best is yet to come.

✅ A man whose career or business has plateaued. He feels bored, unmotivated, and often avoids risks. He’s ​ready to become a more confident leader, create new opportunities, build wealth, and feel energized again. ​He wants to love what he does, find meaning in his work, and embrace a future full of possibilities

how is the program delivered?

  • Comprehensive Weekly Workshops: Mondays 6pm Live sessions with guest coaches and therapists ​covering topics including personal growth, self-mastery, communication, relationships, emotional ​intelligence, character building, courage, and confidence. These sessions are very interactive.
  • Bi-Monthly Group Coaching: Thursday 6pm Live coaching sessions twice a month where everyone shows ​up and shares authentically and honestly and you get the opportunity to be coached, heard, brainstorm ​ideas, be supported through challenges and build deep friendship bonds .
  • Private Coaching: Individualised coaching sessions for ALL participants.
  • In-Person Events: A one-day adventure challenge and a transformative three-day retreat.
  • Specialised Workshops: Focused on conflict resolution, overcoming "Mr. Nice Guy" syndrome, ​understanding the masks men wear, sex, navigating modern relationships, masculine psychology and ​archetypes, health and nutrition and more.
  • Monthly Breathwork Sessions: Wednesday 6pm Live transformational breath to help you process stress ​and release any build up emotions. A man who can safely express emotions is a safe man to be around.
  • Exclusive Private Community: A supportive tribe of committed men dedicated to their personal growth and ​development.

our retreat: 1-4 NOVEMBER 2024

We are heading to Cumbria and the Lake District, overlooking the Irish Sea - yep, this 4-day retreat is part of ​the program.

10 Men get to join us on a powerful weekend of self-discovery, where you get to have fun, challenge your ​body and mind and bust through self-imposed limits. In a private home with our own private chef..!

What’s our unique process?

Phase #1: Foundation & Clarity

Focus: Establishing a strong foundation for personal growth and self-awareness.

Activity Highlights:

  • Pre Mortem Session: Understanding potential challenges and preparing for success.
  • Where Are You? Mapping out your current life, habits, bevhaiours, beliefs and patterns.
  • Workshop: Creating The Big Three - Your North Stars for the six months.
  • Group Coaching/Therapeutics/Hot Seat/Circle: Regular sessions for personalised guidance and ​support.
  • Workshop: Intention Setting & The 8 Questions that will change your life.
  • Workshop: Learn to break past people-pleasing behaviours and live authentically.
  • Transformational Breathwork 1 - Begin emotional and psychological healing through breathwork..

Outcome: Develop a clear understanding of who you are and who you want to be, establish a solid ​foundation for personal growth, building new habits for a courageous and authentic life.

Phase #2: Deep Personal Transformation

Focus: Engaging in deep personal work to transform your mindset, behaviours, and relationships.

Activity Highlights:

  • Where Are You Stuck in the drama? Identifying and overcoming your limiting patterns.
  • Relational Attachment Programming & The Nervous System: Understand and regulate emotional ​responses and attachment styles so that you can transform your relationships.
  • Group Coaching/Therapeutics/Hot Seat/Circle: Continued support and personalized guidance.
  • Workshop: Classic Men's Archetypes - King, Warrior, Magician & Lover.
  • Myths of Modern Relationships: Understand relationship dynamics and stages with expert ​guidance. (Guest session with our Relationship Psychotherapist).
  • Transformational Breathwork 2 Reinforce emotional and psychological healing..
  • 3 Day Men's Mastery Experiential Retreat (Cumbria UK): In-person retreat for powerful ​transformation, healing and bonding (travel not included). 1-4 November 2024.

Outcome: Achieve deep personal transformation, breaking through old patterns and building new, ​empowering behaviours, with a strong focus on relationship mastery and emotional intelligence.

Phase #3: Leadership, Embodying Masculinity & Purpose

Focus: Enhancing self-leadership, embodying masculinity, defining your purpose, and creating a ​fulfilling life.

Activity Highlights:

  • How to become the man your partner feels safe with: (Guest session from our Women's ​Relationship and Trauma Coach).
  • Health Transformation and Optimisation: (Guest session) Learn from an award winning expert on ​body transformation and nutrition.
  • Transformational Breathwork Workshops 3 to 6 Finalize the emotional and psychological ​integration process..
  • Group Coaching/Therapeutics/Hot Seat/Circle: Continued support and personalized guidance.
  • Exploring Your Upper Limits, How You Are Sabotaging and find your Zone of Genius.
  • Female-Oriented Sexual Pleasure Workshop: Learn how to truly satisfy your woman. (With a guest ​Women's Sexologist).
  • Workshop: Hard Conversations - Develop skills to communicate effectively and empathetically in ​emotionally high stakes conversations.
  • Conflict: Learn practical conflict resolution skills and boundary setting. (Workshop practical with ​our Relationship Psychotherapist).
  • Workshop: Being the Father and role model you really needed.
  • Workshop: Your Hero’s Journey - Shifting how you see your life so that you can be the Hero of. ​your story.
  • Workshop: Getting to grips with your own unique sexuality and sexual and creative potential. ​(With a Men's Sacred Sexuality Coach).
  • Workshop: Learn the balance between taking control and letting go - a transformational ​therapeutic embodiment session.

Outcome: You gain the insights you need, figure out what action you to take and start creating the ​changes you need during this phase. This is all about the quickest speed from insight to action.

about our founder

I'm Andy Nathan, and I became a coach because, throughout my childhood ​and adult life, I lacked the tools, support, and guidance that I'm now offering ​to others. I didn't have a strong male role model to guide, coach, challenge, ​and support me in becoming a strong, healthy man.

I integrate innovative techniques in therapeutic coaching, masculine ​psychology, ancestral trauma healing, and embodiment practices to cultivate ​resilience, confidence, and leadership skills that empower high-achieving ​individuals.

For over 25 years, I worked in the corporate world, never truly fitting in or ​reaching my potential. In 2014, I started a wellness organization as a side ​hustle, eventually becoming self-employed, teaching yoga, meditation, and ​mindfulness. Later, facilitating transformational breathwork, family ​constellations, and coaching - all of which I’ve been doing professionally since ​2016.

I've traveled extensively, working with both women and men, and have ​expertise in group and individual work, relationships, trauma, and somatic ​(body-related) practices. My work focuses on helping my clients create ​transformational healing, so they can make peace with their pasts and live ​confidently, courageously, and purposefully in the present.

In 2020, during the pandemic, I founded my first men’s group, WolfPack, ​following my experiences in a series of breathwork trainings. It was there that I ​experienced the profound benefits of working with men specifically in trauma ​healing using somatic practices and coaching.

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I learned how to grow as a person through the tough love, challenge and ​wisdom of men who were where I wanted to be in life and knew how to help ​me.

For many years, I struggled with depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety-filled ​relationships, PTSD from a near-death experience, and childhood sexual ​abuse. I found myself hiding, playing the victim, being unconsciously ​controlling, feeling like a failure, and living with disempowering behaviours ​that hurt both myself and others. I realised that I had been living like an ​adolescent, merely playing at being a man.

It was through participating in men’s groups and programs that I discovered ​what I needed to grow, heal, and reach my potential: the support of other men ​who were on the same journey. My life has changed forever since doing this ​work, and I’m here with you—shoulder to shoulder—ready to walk this path ​together.

In 2023, I founded The Man Program because I saw many of my clients and ​friends struggling due to the lack of mentors and role models who could teach ​them the ‘How To...’ of being a healthy, masculine man.

In October 2023, the first six-month round of The Man Program took place, ​yielding life-changing results for the men who participated.

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“I just wanted to put pen to paper on how I feel your support and engagement over the last few months has ​created a new pathway for me to evaluate, tackle and action, situations and plans that I wouldn’t of previously ​of dealt with in a constructive way. Shamefully, I’ve recognised that sometimes the decisions I made in the past ​were selfish and were not acting in the best interests of my family. The reason I decided to join your program ​was because my professional life was taking priority over my family life. Although subconsciously I probably ​recognised this, I put it to the back of my mind because this is what Ive been trained to do throughout my ​career. I’ve had hundreds of conversations with my wife and I just avoided the issue every time because for me, ​job satisfaction, the environment that I consider I offer the most value in, came first. I have been putting my ​family on hold for my career and speaking to you, hearing your impartial views, methods to recognise and ​understand this has unlocked a whole new way of thinking for me.

Coming out of a career that I felt such a sense of belonging was the most difficult and testing period of my life, ​to the point I never thought I’d feel the same sense of fulfilment and achievement that I used to. I’ve learnt to ​use my family and more so my wife as support rather than dealing with every problem on my own. You’ve ​helped me train my mind and got me back to a place where a feel anything and everything is achievable again. ​Taking ownership of the problems I was facing and putting myself and family first has been the most rewarding ​thing I have done and its only broadened my visions of where I see myself and family going forward.

I guess what I’m saying is thank you.”

what is stopping you reaching the heights?

Imagine living as “The Man” you’re proud of being, where you're in control, thriving and truly connected with ​yourself and your purpose. You are a master of your emotions, you don’t make excuses, your self-worth is ​high and your relationships are a reflection of your emotional intelligence, growth as a man and willingness ​to be accountable. Long gone are you bottling things up, being passive aggressive or trying to do it all ​yourself.

The Man Program is the place you will achieve new levels of discipline, self-mastery and masculinity that ​will be attractive and inspirational to everyone you meet.

Take the scorecard using the link above now.

The Man Program

The Man Program



Chris Scott, previous participant

Experience a Life-Changing Adventure

Experience a Life-Changing Adventure

Join our six-month program designed for high-achieving men at ​the peak of their careers. Achieve work-life balance and ​fulfillment within a powerful network of like-minded peers.

why men join the man program?

“I knew that I wanted to do some men’s work but didn’t know when I’d commit to something. It was always on the back of my ​mind. I had a clear vision of the man I wanted to be, my future self, but didn’t know how to get there quickly. I knew I was on the ​right path but I wanted to get there quicker. Growing up I never had good role models, and from following your work over the ​years I thought of you as a big brother. I trust you, so it makes sense. There was a feeling in me, I knew it’s the right decision.”

“I need to be around other guys working on their challenges. My marriage has broken down, I’m getting divorced and the life I ​had planned for myself has disappeared. I feel like a failure. I’ve worked with therapists and tried on my own - and while I ​‘understand’ more about myself I still feel like a failure and overreact when I talk with my ex and feel shit after. I played football ​for years and am a team player and need to be part of a team. I’ve failed the person that always loved me and my feels like it has ​no meaning . I want to see if it’s possible to feel good about myself and rebuild my life. And I want to stop making the same ​mistakes.”

“I’ve known for a while now (even before I got sober:- over 500 days now) that I’ve needed something but since, say, last ​September time I knew it was some form of coaching. I finally pulled the trigger because I was fed up of feeling fed up. I ​WANTED CHANGE!! Seriously though, this is the 1st evening in weeks, maybe months where I haven’t felt overwhelmed or had ​fear.”

“Work has been a LOT for a while. Don’t get me wrong, I’m in a good place, because I’ve got a nice house and I’m earning great ​money - but the constant pressure seemingly the whole time - I’m tired, and I can see that I’m getting close to having enough. I ​need a different career path. After work I struggle to be present with the famiily and often snap at the kids and end up feeling ​guilty and a bit shit about things. My wife is not happy at all when I’m like this and it does cause arguments between us - both ​with how I a with her and the kids when I’m shattered and how I’m not changing how I react. I need to do things differently and I ​know I can do better - I just don’t know how.”